To grow their markets, many leading network device manufacturers felt the need to integrate support for their SoC into open-source community solutions like OpenWRT, prplOS and RDK-B.
Alumnus was engaged by two such network device manufacturers to provide solutions across these open-source communities. A standard development methodology was followed. As a first step, the SoC software components for each target platform were locally integrated into the open-source community SDK. Then, ported features were built and tested for all the target platforms in this SDK image. Lastly, these SoC software components were upstreamed to the target customer/ community.
Customer support was also provided to resolve issues and continuously upgrade the software.
This experience illustrates Alumnus’ track record of working with OpenWRT, Tomato and ELinOS for many years. This has been the basis for Alumnus’ consistent contributions to Opensource solutions by upstreaming to prplOS, RDK-B and OpenWRT communities.
Technoloy Stack:
OpenWRT, prplOS, RDK-B, DD-WRT, Tomato, C, gcc, Linux Kernel, Network Stack, TCP/IP, router, bridge, switch, QoS, Bash script, buildroot