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Minimising Retail PoS downtime

Minimising retail PoS downtime

A leading convenience retailer needed to minimise downtime and detect failures of PoS devices in real time to drive rapid remedial actions. Diverse equipment types were to be monitored located across high-footfall city-centre locations and sparse rural areas. A Telemetry-based solution was designed by Alumnus to continually monitor POS devices and instantaneously detect failures. Device […]

Nginx porting

Nginx porting

The requirement from an RTOS provider was to port the Nginx package into the RTOS package. Nginx, a sophisticated and well-known network proxy server in Linux, adds the ability to run secure application specific protocol servers on a RTOS platform. The resource constrained end system was an added complexity. Alumnus successfully ported the Nginx server […]

Network protocol conformance test tools 

Certifying protocol adherence of networked devices

Network equipment manufacturers need to demonstrably ensure that their products adhere to Industry standard norms for Protocol Conformance. This is achieved by devising Conformance test suites to test protocol state machines, scheduling rules, interoperability, and robustness. ​ ​Alumnus has worked with multiple industry leading network equipment testing solution providers and developed a suite of Network […]

Network protocol performance test tools 

Certifying Performance of networked devices​

Modern network systems cannot function without proper protocols and even if they do, maintaining high performance across the board often becomes difficult. A number of industry leaders needed help with these very areas, especially in terms of testing in simulated scenarios. The large scale and chaotic nature of the network added further complexity to this […]

Design, build and run of certification suites for DLNA-compliance

The Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) was formed over a decade ago to create operating standards to be met by all devices serving the consumer electronics market. A mechanism was also drawn up to certify conformance of these devices to those standards using an industry-standard toolset. Achieving conformance to the standards was seen as a pre-requisite to […]

Firewall for RTOS

Enhancing RTOS with embedded firewalls

Connected vehicle solutions needs a firewall that can filter both incoming and outgoing data transmission based on user configured rules and also provide additional security requirements.​ Alumnus built and delivered a portable real-time embedded firewall that modified the network stack intelligently to provide high-speed firewalling without affecting network speed. Data filtering based on parameters like […]

Multi-firmware BSP for the automotive sector ​

Multi-firmware BSP support for the automotive sector ​

A premier Japanese vendor, focused on the logistics and automotive markets, needed an ARM based custom board targeted that would be able to boot up either in the secure mode or the normal mode based upon a switch configuration. This would enable the system to be recovered using secure boot mode in case of corruption […]

Enabling V2X communication

Enabling V2X communication

A Japanese automotive manufacturer needed the ability to implement car-to-car communication for smart and connected cars through ad-hoc networks between nearby vehicles and roadside units for the purpose of sharing safety warnings and real time traffic information. Alumnus added standard WIFI-based car-to-car communication stack to an RTOS. An SDIO-Ethernet adapter, along with the Ethernet and SDIO […]

Single driver for multiple chipsets

Dynamic chipset selection using Multi-controller ethernet driver​

An industry leading supplier of BSP-s and embedded RTOS was facing issues regarding the development platforms in that when upgraded with newer components and chipsets, the software ecosystem must be constantly aligned. This generally leads to a costly development cycle with added delays between the availability and usability. Alumnus streamlined the relevant use cases by […]