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Traffic shaping for application-specific data 

Businesses having geographically spread branch offices and data centres need to ensure proper Quality of service for Data Traffic between business-critical applications. Alumnus has been working a global Data Traffic Management leader to enhance their solutions and pivot to the cloud. ​

The objective is to ensure that Applications with different characteristics and criticality can offer proper user experience. For example, file sharing apps can typically tolerate some delay but not packet loss, whereas Audio / Video conferencing Apps tolerate some packet loss but need to have a bounded delay and jitter. On the other hand, Skype Calls may be more critical to a business than file sharing. ​

To cater to these requirements, we inspected network traffic, measured their characteristics and kept track of bandwidth availability. We then shaped the traffic as per business SLA. We also implemented several application-specific accelerators. ​

In addition, Alumnus also implemented Carrier Grade WAN Optimization solutions on low-cost MIPS devices, supporting up to 10 Mbps full-duplex traffic.

Technology Stack:

DPI, Linux, Kernel, C

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