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Applications Development

Over the past 20 years, Alumnus has developed and tested web, cloud and mobile Applications using technologies as they evolved. Devices have been made smart(er). Industrial and Services sectors have been a focus for some time.    

In industrial sectors, business-critical areas like shop-floor automation and process improvement have been addressed; for example, continuous process recipe management have been improved using complex rule engines, global EHS processes have been standardised with multi-lingual applications and Curing process improvement has been achieved.  

A proprietary platform called Resonance has been developed to detect issues in Equipment operation and product quality well before humans can; it uses signals from sensors and cameras. Expensive engineering rework has been avoided by detecting flaws in engineering drawings using computational geometry and image / text recognition algorithms. 

The cost impact of the warranty fulfilment of industrial devices was reduced by automated assessment of device use patterns. This was a solution we’re very pleased with for using sensor fusion, Machine Learning models, Google Cloud Platform, electronics, common sense and physics. IOT solutions on smart devices have been built on locks, EV batteries, sporting equipment and wearables.  

The quality of life of Dementia patients has been improved using stimuli from the patient’s past to help them connect better with their environment. Dashboards have been built with web technologies to deliver a single-view of medical history and Cancer research data-analysis.

Multi-year engagements in functional and non-functional testing have been delivered.  

Many of these have been built using a joint ideation exercise with partners and clients, driven by Alumnus’ culture of collaboration and innovation. 

Case Studies